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A creative montage posing questions for visitors about the present and future of the Catalan textile industry, with a reflective and experimental approach
Compilation of fifty enclaves of Catalan industrial heritage
Central feature dedicated to laundry industries
Central feature dedicated to workers’ housing
Central dossier dedicated to the wood industry
Central feature dedicated to sports, industry and modernity
Central article dedicated to the Universal Exhibition of 1888 in Barcelona
Central dossier devoted to the Foodstuff Conservation
MNACTEC and Institut Ramon Muntaner (IRMU) are offering a grant for historical and/or heritage research on the different fields which make up the heritage, history and industrial, scientific and technological culture of Catalonia
The contribution of chemistry to modern quality of life
A new virtual space open to the conversation on the history of ICTs
Museum online resources and publications for this literary celebration
MNACTEC involved in international projects and programmes to showcase and research industrial heritage
A project linking together culture, innovation and sustainable development
Nano Dimension is an exhibition revealing the possibilities, opportunities, difficulties and challenges offered by nanotechnology
L’acte comptarà amb la intervenció de Lluís Puig, director del Programa per al desenvolupament de projectes culturals d'àmbit internacional, per videoconferència des de Brussel·les
La publicació dedica el dossier central a la indústria de la fusta
The central feature is dedicated to workers’ housing
The central feature is dedicated to the wood industry
This documentary collection specialises in industrial heritage
'Eix' és una publicació que vol difondre el patrimoni i la cultura científica i tècnica de la societat industrial catalana
The main article is dedicated to the 1888 Universal Exhibition in Barcelona
The main article is dedicated to the automobile revolution
Inside the publication, the contents feature in particular a dossier on the conservation of foodstuffs, an interview with Minister Santi Villa, a visit to the Museum of Technology of Manresa accompanied by the designer Míriam Ponsa, and two industrial tourism trails.
Activitat relacionada amb l’exposició “Màquines d’escriure”
The publication aims to showcase scientific, technical and industrial culture and heritage