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International projects

MNACTEC involved in international projects and programmes to showcase and research industrial heritage

The MNACTEC forms part of various European projects and programmes with the aim of showcasing and researching the area of industrial, scientific and technical heritage. The Museum is currently taking part in the following projects:

European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH)

ERIH is the tourist information network for industrial heritage in Europe. The network is managed by the ERIH association, which has more than 300 members in 27 countries. Over 100 member sites are Anchor Points, sites of outstanding historical importance in terms of industrial heritage which also offer visitors a high quality experience. The Regional Routes present the industrial history of landscapes particularly influenced by industrialisation in greater detail. A total of more than 2,200 sites are presented across all European countries. All the sites are assigned to one of the 16 European theme routes, representing various industrial sectors. The presentations of each point are supplemented by articles on the industrial history of the countries of Europe, and the development of the industrial sectors that make up the theme routes.


Iron Route of the Pyrenees

The Iron Route of the Pyrenees has the aim of protecting and embellishing the memory of the steelmaking, mining and iron landscape heritage of the region, through the creation of shared cultural products intended for the educational world and the general public. The route is dedicated to heritage and tourism, and involves 5 territories around the Pyrenees (Andorra, Catalonia, Basque Country, Ariège and Aquitaine). The Iron Route comprises 21 cultural facilities (museums, visitor centres, monuments and itineraries) presenting the various systems used to produce and transform iron, as well as the uses and benefits provided by the metal.