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Recommendations and rules

Recommendations and rules when visiting the MNACTEC

General aspects

  • The Museum is home to significant scientific and technical heritage, and visitors must therefore show respect for the exhibits, the museum display features and fittings.
  • No eating, drinking or smoking is permitted inside the Museum, nor may visitors enter with skates, scooters, pets (except guide dogs) or dangerous objects.
  • No personal mobility vehicles may enter the Museum, such as bicycles, scooters (whether or not electric), skates, skateboards, hoverboards, hovertrax, hoverwheels, iotatrax, unicycles or tricycles. Pushchairs are allowed inside the Museum on family visits.
  • Show respect for other visitors and follow the instructions of Museum staff. Avoid arguments, shouting or loud noises inside the Museum.
  • Mobile phones should be turned down and music players switched off during your visit.
  • The Museum accepts no responsibility for any personal items lost by visitors.
  • Flash and tripod photography is not permitted, nor video filming during a guided or dramatised tour or educational workshop.
  • The Museum accepts no responsibility for any problems that might arise through the improper use of its facilities.
  • The Museum reserves the right of admission.


Group visits

  • All school and non-school groups must arrange their visit in advance (by contacting the MNACTEC Educational Services).
  • There must be always a figure responsible for each group throughout their time at the MNACTEC.
  • Before the visit begins, portfolios, packages, bags and rucksacks should be placed in the locations indicated by the Museum staff.


In the event of emergency

  • Follow the instructions of Museum staff, who will act in accordance with an emergency plan.
  • In the case of groups, the group members should be assembled.
  • Remain calm and proceed to evacuate the site, following evacuation instructions at all times. To avoid panic, do not run or shout.



  • The Museum has implemented various sound environmental practices, and visitors and users should therefore use the waste paper baskets and bins available for the selective collection of waste, make efficient use of energy by switching lights off in the toilets, and make responsible use of water.