The National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (MNACTEC) and Institut Ramon Muntaner (IRMU), Private Foundation of Catalan-language Study Centres, are offering a grant for historical and/or heritage research on the different fields which make up the heritage, history and industrial, scientific and technological culture of Catalonia (movable, immovable and/or intangible heritage).
Priority will be given to unpublished studies and research examining different aspects of this scientific, technological and industrial research, allowing further examination of their impact on society, history, economy or technology between the 18th and 20th centuries as well as proposals for the protection, restoration and valorization of heritage.
- Based on the tribunal’s opinion, a single Grant will be awarded to the best research project from those submitted, relating to Catalan-speaking territory and any aspect of scientific, technological and industrial heritage.
It will not be possible to submit:
- Documents or studies referring to individual objects or collections from a museum or item inventories from a museum.
- The Grant is to the value of 4,000 €.
- This Grant aims to provide support, giving priority to young researchers, still in training or in the early stages of their research. Applications may be submitted individually or collectively.
- The following documents must be submitted:
- Normalized application.
- CV of the applicant in digital form on any type of medium, as well as a printed copy. This curriculum must be short and specifically meet the current requirements.
- Research project. This must specify the intended objectives, work plan, methodology, current state of research, sources and bibliography to be used, timeline and results expected. This project must be between five and ten pages long, to be presented in digital form, on any type of medium, accompanied by a printed copy
- Requests should preferably be submitted by email with a digital signature. The digitally signed documentation should be sent to in PDF format for registration, and in Word to facilitate the process.
- If you do not have a digital signature, you must send the request in PDF and Word format to the email address (purely for functional purposes) and in hard copy by conventional mail to the headquarters of the Institut Ramon Muntaner at Mas de la Coixa, Rotonda Eix de l'Ebre N-420 s/n, Móra la Nova 43770, Ribera d'Ebre. Only original documents will be accepted.
- In the event of incorrect or incomplete documents being submitted, the applicants will receive a written request to change or complete them correctly, submitting them within ten working days. If these conditions are not met the application will be rendered void and no further action will be possible. The new documentation submitted must also be presented in accordance with the instructions of the above point and will be included in the case dossier.
- Positive consideration will be given to research project proposals attaching a guarantee, recommendation or report from local and regional research study centres, as well as a reference from a teacher or university research group. When applicable, this documentation must be submitted along with the original documentation required initially.
- The final submission date for applications is 18 October 2024.
- Applications will be assessed based mainly on the following criteria:
- Scientific interest of the project submitted
- Interest in terms of the protection and recovery of heritage.
- Work methodology.
- Objectives.
- Studies on unpublished and/or original theme.
- Studies linked to territories where no work had been done on this subject.
- Potential effect and social, public and heritage repercussion of the project.
- The grant tribunal will be made up of 7 members of recognized prestige, experience and knowledge in the fields studied in the call. 4 of these will be proposed by MNACTEC and 3 by IRMU.
- Once all the proposals and projects have been analysed and evaluated the Tribunal will select that which it considers most deserving of the grant. A follow-up commission will be formed at the same time.
- The Tribunal may request complementary information and arrange a meeting with the applicants to verify their suitability for completing the work proposed, as well as to suggest the expansion or modification of the projects to make these more operative. Moreover, if necessary, advice may be sought from other individuals or institutions regarding the interest and scope of the project.
- The tribunal reserves the right to declare the call void and has the authority to resolve any eventualities not expressly contemplated within these conditions.
- The verdict of the tribunal, which will be final, will be made public before 15 october 2022.
- As regards the remaining projects submitted but not selected, applications may be made for these to be returned by mail a month from the day the final decision is published. Any submissions which have not been claimed or collected by the applicants or an authorized representative will be added to the documentary archive of the “Jordi Nadal” Documentation Centre at MNACTEC.
- Six months after the grant has been awarded the beneficiary must present a report on the state of the research so that its development may be assessed. The tribunal will have the right to make any necessary observations and even to suspend the research if it considers this necessary.
- The total amount will be paid in two identical installments of 2,000 €, once all applicable taxes have been deducted. The first payment will be made when the award is made public, while the rest will be made following the submission of the final project and the publication of a favourable report on its quality.
- The project selected will be completed within a year from the date the tribunal’s verdict has been made public. If the tribunal so decides, and depending on the specific needs, the project deadline may be extended by 60 natural days from the planned submission date for the final project. A written request must be submitted to MNACTEC no less than fifteen days before the end of the period established initially.
- The grant beneficiary must provide MNACTEC with the original project and summary of five to ten DIN A4 pages in digital format on any type of medium, accompanied by a printed copy of the project and summary.
- The project must be submitted in “DIN A-4” format, with the main text double spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font. It must be between 75 and 150 pages long. Numbered footnotes must be printed on each page and individually numbered for each chapter. Bibliography and sources consulted must be included at the end of the project. Tables, graphs and images must be included separately, numbered and clear enough for reproduction.
- In addition to all the obligations described in these conditions the grant recipient undertakes to:
- Provide any information requested by MNACTEC at all times.
- Provide written notification of any changes within the objective itself which may affect the destination of the grant.
- Any person directly or indirectly linked and/or professionally connected with MNACTEC and IRMU is excluded from taking part in this call.
- The awarding of this grant does not prevent the beneficiary from receiving other grants, but the property and publication rights will belong to MNACTEC.
- Application to the call presupposes knowledge and acceptance of these conditions.
- If at any point the grant beneficiary must withdraw from work on the project, they must provide written notice to the MNACTEC, detailing the reasons for this. If this withdrawal is accepted all of the first instalment must be restored.
- The MNACTEC, in full agreement with the tribunal, may proceed to revoke the grant in the case of non-compliance with the obligation to submit the work within the agreed period, if deviations from the original project submitted are observed, or non-compliance with the rest of obligations included within these conditions.
- The work carried out is owned by its author or authors. Acceptance of the grant implies the awarding to MNACTEC of the publishing rights for a two-year period and the awarding of intellectual property for all the copies of the first edition at national level.
- MNACTEC reserves the right to publish all of the research. If this right is not formally exercised within two years of the work being submitted the author may freely undertake to publish the work, specifically mentioning the funding received on the front or back cover of any editions published or as a footnote at the beginning of the work in the case of articles. In these cases the author must deliver 3 copies to the “Jordi Nadal” Documentation Centre of the MNACTEC and 3 more to the IRMU library.
- If MNACTEC is in charge of the first edition, fifty copies will be sent to the author for copyright purposes.
- Once the two-year period has ended, all rights will revert to the authors, even if the work was not published.
- Within the first two years, MNACTEC reserves the right to publish the summaries, either as standalone publications or within publications of a cultural and/or educational nature or in any other media considered suitable.
- The principles of advertising and competition are guaranteed through the usual mechanisms of MNACTEC and IRMU, web, social media, mailing, etc.
- 2024: De l’arada al tractor. Memòria oral de la mecanització a Juneda (les Garrigues), Jordi Quer i Sardanyons.
- 2023: Els vestigis quotidians de la industrialització hidroelèctrica. L'habitatge obrer a l'embassament de Sant Antoni (Pallars Jussà), Laia Gallego.
- 2022: Projecte de museïtzació de la Farmàcia Pinyol de Llardecans (Segrià), Eva Marín Aznar.
- 2021: Què fer amb les runes de la Matussière? La (in)visibilització del patrimoni industrial de la ribera d’Isil i Alós (Pallars Sobirà), Ferran Pons Raga.
- 2020: L’arribada del ferrocarril a les Terres de l’Ebre: un patrimoni industrial passat, present i futur, Ferran Modinos and Cèlia Mallafré.
- 2019: La memòria històrica de la indústria tèxtil a Alfarràs (Segrià, Lleida), Ramon Dalfó.