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NANO Dimension

Nano Dimension is an exhibition revealing the possibilities, opportunities, difficulties and challenges offered by nanotechnology

From June, 28 2012 to September, 15 2013

Based on the real experience of a pioneering research centre, namely the Catalan Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute, and courtesy of its own researchers and communication team, the exhibition takes us on a journey from the most basic concepts of nanoscience up to current applications and potential future applications.

The exhibition shows the possibilities and opportunities arising from new discoveries in this field, which is already a presence in our daily life. The main aim of the exhibition is to promote an understanding of nanotechnology and make certain concepts easier to comprehend. It furthermore indicates the areas for debate as to the potential risks and social impact of the discipline.

The exhibition includes photographs, real hands-on samples, small experiments, interactive games and questions for the visitor. Meanwhile, both the physical and online exhibitions provide visitors with access to educational datasheets containing key information about nanotechnology, teaching activities to be performed in class and a number of noteworthy links.


1. Concept of nanoscience
2. New Challenges
3. Nanoparticles
4. Nanomaterials
5. Nanotechnology and future
6. Nanotechnology and society