Operational approaches

Mission and objectives of the Museum

The National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (MNACTEC) is one of only three national museums to exist in Catalonia as a result of the Museums Act (Act 17/1990, of 2 November 1990). It is a national museum dependent on the Directorate-General of Cultural Heritage of the Department of Culture of Generalitat de Catalunya and part of the administration of the Catalan Agency for Cultural Heritage.

In addition to its central branch in the former Modernist building of the Aymerich, Amat i Jover Factory in Terrassa, MNACTEC has another three branches (the Museum of the Sedó Colony  in Esparreguera, the Palau Forge in Ripoll and the Castellar de n’Hug Cement Museum). It also coordinates the actions of its Territorial System, which is made up of almost thirty museums and centres of heritage interest.

The Museum is also part of the main heritage networks and networks of science, technology, industry and innovation networks including TICCIH (International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage), ECSITE (European Network of Science Centres and Museums), ERIH (European Route of Industrial Heritage) and AMCCTE (Association of Science and Technology Museums and Centres of Spain). 



The National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia is a cultural institution which aims to study, interpret, conserve, promote and showcase the implementation and evolution of scientific and technical advances, their industrial application and particularly their involvement and effects in society, all in an innovative and participatory manner.  



The main aims of the MNACTEC are:

  • To carefully and efficiently increase, document, conserve, manage and promote the national collection of scientific, technical and industrial heritage. 
  • To execute the national desire to expand, document, preserve, manage and carefully and effectively publicise the national collection of scientific, technical and industrial heritage.
  • Foster the knowledge and dissemination of the scientific, technical and industrial heritage of Catalonia and the history of its industrialisation, in both national and international terms
  • Link this heritage of industrial society to the heritage of contemporary Catalan society itself, creating, using, conserving and showcasing it as an inherent element of its identity
  • To serve as a showcase for the past, present and future of Catalan science and technology.
  • To be, together with the Territorial Structure of museums and heritage centres, a national and international flagship for the heritage and museum presentation of contemporary industrial society.