New space for experimentation 'Explore 0-6'

This space, dedicated to children up to the age of 6, wants to bring science closer to them

The National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (mNACTEC) has opened a new space, “Explore 0-6”, to the public. This is a space for experimentation geared towards children aged 0 to 6, where they can play with various materials and devices for experimenting in the fields of science and technology.

This mNACTEC space aims to awaken children’s curiosity in an approachable, participatory and encouraging manner in order to contribute to their learning. It is also an example of the mNACTEC’s commitment to promoting STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education from a very early age.

The proposal of the “Explore 0-6” space is highly innovative, both for its content and because it encourages bringing science closer to children at this young age.

“Explore 0-6” is designed to provide children with a direct experience with different phenomena based on their own initiative and the research of open solutions. The space is a large room in which children, either as part of a school group or accompanied by an adult, can participate and explore freely through different proposals.

The educational team from the Degree in Teacher Training in Early Childhood Education from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Manresa (Uvic-Universitat Central de Catalunya) acted as consultants in the creation of the “Explore 0-6” space.

This new space will be used by the pupils from kindergartens and Early Childhood Education cycle schools on weekdays, as well as any individuals and families with children in this age group wishing to enjoy this experience on weekdays and weekends, following prior arrangement with the Museum.

press-clock 14 March 2019