• Vivienda obrera y colonias industriales en la península Ibérica

Worker accommodation and industrial colonies on the peninsula

Proceedings of the Seminar (2002) and Convention (2005) "Worker accommodation and industrial colonies on the Iberian peninsula", held at the MNACTEC

By Gràcia Dorel-Ferré (editor-in-chief), Jaume Perarnau and Joan Muñoz (coordinators). Published by MNACTEC, 2008.

Proceedings of the Seminar (2002) and Convention (2005) "Worker accommodation and industrial colonies on the Iberian peninsula", held at the Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia. Divided into 8 chapters: before industrialisation; industry and the city; riverside factories and industrial textile colonies in Catalonia; mining villages and extractive industries; worker districts and garden cities, first half of the 20th century; railways, and second half of the 20th century.

Bilingual Catalan/Spanish version.