The CoNCA calls for a new legal form for the mNACTEC

A Strategic evaluation of the mNACTEC (2015-2017), drawn up by the CoNCA, has been presented


The strategic assessment of the Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia, carried out by the National Council for Culture and Arts (CoNCA) by virtue of its competences, has concluded that without the autonomy, funding and legal standing conferred by Museums Law 19/1990 and Museums Plan 2030, the installations cannot act as a point of reference for science, technology and cultural heritage. The mNACTEC, with headquarters in Terrassa and functions other than those merely relating to museums, is in charge of articulating the 26 heritage spaces which make up the Territorial System, as well as promoting the industrial past of Catalonia.

In this evaluation the CoNCA is calling for this organisation to be granted the legal status of public sector organisation in order to carry out the designated functions. The CoNCA also issued a reminder of the need to reactivate the Governing Council as the top body for the government of the museum and to increase public funding in order to make it possible to support its territorial network. In terms of the potential for improvement it is considered essential to update the infrastructures and museum resources of the territorial branches, especially the Sedó Colony.

One of the main challenges for the future of these installations is increasing resources by attracting sponsorships, continuing the commercial operation of the spaces and increasing collaborations with third parties. The CoNCA also feels the need for a strategy for the development of audiences in the central and territorial branches, using outside tourism as a potential source of visitors.


press-clock 13 February 2019