The 2019-2020 academic year of the Magnet programme is ending

The alliance between mNACTEC and Institut Nicolau Copèrnic promotes educational innovation

During the 2019-2020 academic year the National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (mNACTEC) and Institut Nicolau Copèrnic in Terrassa have set up new joint educational innovation actions in the framework of the programme “Magnet, alliances for educational success”. Among the actions implemented this year it is worth highlighting the workshops to become heritage mediators, acting as monitors for science experiments or actors in a dramatized visit.

For the past two years, mNACTEC  and Institut Nicolau Copèrnic in Terrassa have been educational partners in the Magnet programme, with a shared project for educational innovation under the lemma “Education focused on you: skills for the future” to encourage the interest of students in scientific and technological culture. The Institut has involved mNACTEC in its educational project, creating activities which make it possible to work on skills in a cross-disciplinary fashion: analysing the different professions and tasks at the museum and learning about scientific, technological and industrial culture in Catalonia.

press-clock 15 May 2020