Opening of the show “Industrial Landscapes”

The exhibition features 11 contemporary industrial landscapes representative of Catalonia

​The Director-General for Archives, Libraries Museums and Heritage of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, Jusèp Boya; the businessman and cultural administrator Pau Fornt; photographer and architect Aitor Estévez; the Director of the National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (mNACTEC), Jaume Perarnau, and the Deputy Mayor for Territory and Sustainability of Terrassa City Council, Marc Armengol, formally opened the exhibition "Industrial Landscapes. A visual insight into industry".

The exhibition "Industrial Landscapes. A visual insight into industry" records 11 contemporary industrial landscape representative of Catalonia, with the aim of presenting them from a photographic, documentary and architectural perspective.

 “Industrial Landscapes. A visual insight into industry"

This is a personal initiative of the businessman and cultural administrator Pau Fornt Baldrich and architect and photographer Aitor Estévez Olaizola, documenting through photography spaces that often go overlooked by the bulk of society, with a cultural and educational aim. The display includes huge manufacturing complexes in all their technical and architectural detail, providing society with a closer look at contemporary industries, while reflecting on the technological process as change. A process created by people, in contrast to the scale of these empty and unfamiliar industrial spaces.

The exhibition will be on show until October in the mNACTEC ARTS SPACE.

press-clock 7 June 2016