The Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (mNACTEC) yesterday hosted the 16th Matadepera, Terrassa, Vacarisses and Viladecavalls Research Project Awards Ceremony for 2015-2016, a competition organised by the Education Service of Terrassa City Council, the Education Service of Vallès Occidental II (Educational Resource Centre) of the Department of Education, and the Education Departments of Matadepera and Viladecavalls Town Councils.. The mNACTEC collaborates by hosting the ceremony and as a member of the jury. The awards aim to support research projects undertaken by baccalaureate students and to provide them with a public showcase.
The accolades went to the best research projects in the four branches of the baccalaureate examination: arts, social sciences, natural and health sciences and technology, with a first and runner's-up prize for each. The winners of each of the first and second prizes will be published in the Research Projects collection of the Terrassa City Council Education Service.
19 May 2016