The stereoscopic Pyrenees of Josep Forns i Olivella

This exhibition is recovering an extensive stereoscopic archive conserved at mNACTEC

The exhibition recovers an extensive and unreleased stereoscopic archive of the Pyrenees, with images taken in the 1920s and 1930s by photographer Josep Forns i Olivella and conserved at the National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (mNACTEC). 

“The stereoscopic Pyrenees of Josep Forns i Olivella. Photographs from the 1920s and 1930s” is a transversal cultural product showing what the Pyrenees were like in the early 20th century and their evolution to the present day. It compiles images from different regions in the Pyrenees which can be seen in three dimensions thanks to their stereoscopic format.

The Archive of photographer Josep Forns i Olivella, conserved at the mNACTEC, includes over 2,000 stereoscopic plates, some of which depict the Alt Pirineu, Aran and Andorra, taken between 1924 and 1935. This archive has been studied and documented to develop an interesting museum interpretation.

This exhibition is the result of a joint project with the participation of the Institute for the Development and Promotion of the Alt Pirineu and Aran (IDAPA), mNACTEC, the Network of Heritage Museums and Facilities of the Alt Pirineu and Aran, the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Ecomuseum of Valls d’Àneu as a Territorial Support Museum.

It is currently on display at the Regional Archive of Alt Urgell, in Seu d'Urgell (c/ Sant Ermengol, 71, la Seu d’Urgell).L’Arxiu Comarcal de l’Alt Urgell, a la Seu d’Urgell, acull fins al 4 d’agost l’exposició itinerant “El Pirineu estereoscòpic de Josep Forns i Olivella. Fotografies dels anys 20 i 30”. L’exposició recupera un important fons estereoscòpic inèdit del Pirineu, amb imatges fetes pel fotògraf Josep Forns i Olivella durant els anys 20 i 30 del segle XX que es conserven al Museu Nacional de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya (mNACTEC).

press-clock 5 June 2019