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Photographic Essays on Mexican Industrial Heritage

A photography exhibition addressing the industrial heritage of Mexico, the result of a project to record in photographs the country's industrial museums

From June, 15 2004 to September, 5 2004

A photography exhibition addressing the industrial heritage of Mexico, the result of the project for the photographic recording of industrial museums in Mexico. The show comprises 79 photographs by Marco Antonio Hernández Badillo, a Mexican photographer specialising in cultural sites and the industrial heritage of his country. His historical research projects based on photography and a photographic essays dealing with mining, landscape and indigenous communities, have been published and exhibited in various European countries and in the United States.

The photographer studied Visual Arts at Puebla Autonomous University. In 1994 he received the industrial photography award from the Swiss company Hasselblad and the bursary of the State Fund for Culture and Arts of the State of Hidalgo, specialising in photography. At the time of the exhibition, he is now Deputy Director for Museums and Exhibitions of the Historical Archive and Mining Museum, A.C., and the coordinator of the Industrial Heritage Rescue project in the Pachuca and Real del Monte Mining District. He has also been the editor of the Industrial Archaeology bulletin, and a member of the Mexican and the International Committee for the Conservation Industrial Heritage of the International Museums Committee.