The 26 industrial museums of the Territorial Structure of the Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (mNACTEC) clocked up 501,400 visits in 2015, 15% more than the previous year. Since 2011, the museums belonging to the Structure have amassed 2,022,094 visits.
The Territorial Structure of the mNACTEC comprises 26 museums and sites of heritage interest throughout the country, explaining the process and history of industrialisation in Catalonia through their collections and/or the museum presentation of the different productive activities that have existed and of which comprehensible traces still remain, making up our industrial heritage. This year approval was given for the inclusion within the Territorial Structure of the mNACTEC of the former Roca Humbert thermal power station site in Granollers, in the Vallès Oriental district.
3 March 2016