New Iron Route in the Pyrenees website

The route is a transnational Cultural Route certified by the Council of Europe.

The Iron Route in the Pyrenees, a transnational Cultural Route certified by the Council of Europe, boasts a new website. aims to provide a straightforward and clear presentation of the 26 resources that make up this route, and to play its part in spreading knowledge and understanding of European history.

We have opted for a modern and easily navigable design where future visitors will find practical information about the resources they wish to visit, allowing them to forge their adventure. The information is divided by region, by theme (mines, forges and ironworks) and by visit types (itineraries, museums and monuments

In accordance with the linguistic diversity of the institutions supporting the initiative, and with the clear aim of catering to today's tourism market, the website is published in 5 languages (English, Catalan, Spanish, French and Basque).

It likewise aims to serve as a presentational platform for the latest news about the Route, with a more dynamic section featuring activities, exhibitions, competitions, seminars, conferences…


Huge success for the travelling exhibition "The industrial heritage of the Iron Route in the Pyrenees", with over 40,000 visitors

The travelling exhibition "The industrial heritage of the Iron Route in the Pyrenees" ended in December 2019, having been set up within the context of the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 programme, visiting 3 countries (Spain, France and Andorra) and being staged at 16 different cultural venues.


Partners of the Iron Route in the Pyrenees

The Association of the Iron Route in the Pyrenees is currently made up of 19 partners from three different countries

  • Principality of Andorra:
    • Govern d'Andorra
    • Comú d'Ordino
    • Vall del Madriu-Perafita-Claro
  • Spain; Gipuzkoa;
    • Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
    • Museo de la Industria Armera Éibar
    • Ayuntamiento Beasáin
    • Ayuntamiento Zerain
    • Lenbur Fundazioa
    • Ayuntamiento Ormaiztegi
    • Ayuntamiento Irún
    • Ayuntamiento Mutiloa
    • Ayuntamiento Errenteria
    • Museo máquina herramienta
    • Museo del Ferrocarril de Azpeitia
    • Museo Chillida Leku
  • Catalonia;
    • Museu Nacional de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya
  • France;
    • Communauté de communes du Pays de Nay
    • Communauté de commune de la Haute Ariège
    • Forges de Pyrènes- Ariège/Montgailhard

press-clock 8 January 2020