Launch of Canal MNACTEC

A platform for videos and podcasts about science, technology and industrial heritage

The National Science and Technology Museum of Catalonia (MNACTEC) has launched Canal MNACTEC (, a new outreach platform in the field of science, technology and industrial heritage, featuring audiovisual content and podcasts. 

Canal MNACTEC aims to serve as a new outreach channel for the museum's topics of interest, beyond traditional museum presentation in the form of exhibitions, publications and activities. It provides one single platform with content across a range of formats, topics and durations, mainly intended for the general public, and likewise featuring a space for live streams. Users can subscribe to the channel to receive alerts about new content. 

The productions created exclusively for the new channel include the audiovisual series El telescopi [The Telescope], dealing with technological matters, and Peces clau [Keynote Items], dedicated to notable exhibits from the MNACTEC collections. The channel also presents the first chapter in the podcast Engranatges. Industrialització i societat [Gearings. Industrialisation and Society], addressing the social impact of industrialisation. Lastly, the Canal MNACTEC channel features new chapters in the existing documentary series Documentals del MNACTEC, covering topics connected with industrial heritage, as well as new audiovisual productions in the Les col·leccions [The Collections] series, focusing on the museum's heritage exhibits. 


Content proposals 

Canal MNACTEC currently features 7 series of audiovisual content and 1 podcast, 3 of them exclusively produced for the new platform. This is a constantly expanding project, as new episodes of the current audio and video series will periodically be added, along with new concepts. The plan is to release 10 new episodes of the different series over the course of 2023. 

The channel has the following structure: 


  • El telescopi  [exclusive production for Canal MNACTEC]: series of brief features reflecting on various current topics in the world of science and technology, and their impact on society, courtesy of expert presenters. The first few episodes focus on the contribution made by women to STEM disciplines, planned obsolescence, 3D additive manufacturing, and cloud computing. 

  • Peces clau[exclusive production for Canal MNACTEC]: series of brief audiovisual pieces presenting unique and notable exhibits from the MNACTEC collections. The first few episodes take an in-depth look at such items as the Hispano-Suiza 16HP, the Sholes and Glidden typewriter, the Selfactina spinning mule and the steam engine. 

  • Documentaries from the MNACTECDocumentation Centre [new episodes for Canal MNACTEC]: series of documentaries revealing topics connected with science, technology and industrial heritage. The most recent episodes cover rope making in industrial Catalonia and the Sant Vicenç de Calders railway factory town. 

  • #DebatsMNACTEC: videos of the series of debates organised by the MNACTEC to explore in greater depth the social impact of science and technology. They address topics such as artificial intelligence, the infodemic, facial recognition, the metaverse and digital transformation. 

  • Les col·leccions[new episodes for Canal MNACTEC]: audiovisual pieces connected with the collections of exhibits held at the MNACTEC. The most recent episodes include a video about the Hispano-Suiza T60RLA car and the relocation of a large valve from the El Pasteral reservoir to the MNACTEC storage rooms in Cervera.  

  • MNACTEC Territorial Structure: audiovisual features exploring various museums of the MNACTEC Territorial Structure, a network of 26 museum and heritage sites explaining industrialisation in Catalonia. 

  • Recommended videos: videos of interest about industrial scientific and technical heritage produced by other institutions. 


  • Engranatges. Industrialització i societat [exclusive production for Canal MNACTEC]: podcast exploring the social impact resulting from the technological and scientific evolution linked to industrialisation. The first episode discusses the role of women in the industrial world. 


  • Live streaming. Space used to broadcast MNACTEC events. 





press-clock 30 March 2023