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Weaving Stories | Capsule 2. Weaving transformation, production and innovation

A creative montage posing questions for visitors about the present and future of the Catalan textile industry, with a reflective and experimental approach

Until January 19, 2025

The National Science and Technology Museum of Catalonia (MNACTEC) presents the second capsule of the creative montage Weaving Stories, a project which tackles and poses questions for visitors about the present and future of the Catalan textile industry, with a reflective and experimental approach. The project centres and such concepts as efficiency, innovation, sustainability, recycling, technology, sociability and gender. The initiative has been conceptualised and devised by Sol Roig Projectes and Magem Torrella Associats.

The montage, which also involves the Terrassa Textile Museum, is made up of eight capsules, the first of which has already been seen at the MNACTEC, between November and February 2024: Weaving history: from factory towns to research, highlighting the role of women in the history of textiles.

The second capsule, entitled Weaving transformation, production and innovation, aims to emphasise the presence of products created by the textile industry in our everyday life, and to reveal the process of innovation and constant technical development undertaken by companies in the sector to tailor their products to current demand, maintain local production, and offer quality products through a more sustainable process.

The capsule presents this capacity for transformation and resilience in the textile sector through the voice of different companies and experts.