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The Force of the Wind. 25 years of wind power in Catalonia

A presentation of the fundamentals of wind power, how it is generated and the environmental benefits it offers

From April, 15 2009 to May, 31 2009

The exhibition coincides with the 25th anniversary of the installation of the first wind farm in the country, in the town of Garriguella, in Baix Empordà. First opened in April 1984, the windfarm comprised five turbines with a power rating of 24 kW each, generating 125 times less power than today's turbines, by way of comparison.In this exhibition, the Wind Power Association presents to the public historical and graphical documents recalling that day, along with authentic exhibits from the first modern wind turbines, such as a rotor and a blade. A tour of the exhibits likewise provides an explanation of wind power from the technical and environmental perspective, and the key elements in its future implementation in Catalonia.

Organised jointly by EolicCat and ICAEN (Catalan Energy Institute), it is presented in two separate parts. There is firstly an explanation of the fundamental aspects of wind power, such as for example how it is generated or the environmental benefits it offers.The second half of the exhibition offers a brief description of the initial years of wind power in Catalonia from the historical and technological perspective, before then moving on to a description of the current state of wind power in Catalonia, and the future implementation of this source of energy.