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The Colour of Science

The role of science and technology in our society

From November, 30 2004 to January, 9 2005

The exhibition reflects on the role of science and technology in our society, through scientific illustrations courtesy of artist Fernando Krahn, emphasising the potential of humour as an educational tool. The illustrations are also accompanied by poems written by David Jou, Professor of Physics at the Barcelona Autonomous University and also a poet.

The overall aim is to show that science is also culture, and that scientific activity can have a poetic, artistic and humorous side, as well as journalistic elements, which can help spread information and understanding among the non-academic general public. Hence the fact that "The Colour of Science" is based on an exhibition staged under the same title in 1990, albeit with the inclusion of significant new additions. In addition to the selection of illustrations by Krahn, that were published in the science supplement of the La Vanguardia newspaper, the scientific background to the drawings is explained by means of five modules providing visitors with an insight into them. The exhibits include quotations from scientists, explanations of natural phenomena and other images helping to interpret the drawing in question.