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The Museum has different services available to visitors

MNACTEC offers visitors different services to make the visit to the different spaces easier and more accessible.


Information point: information on the services and resources for visits is available at Museum reception.

Lockers: lockers for the safekeeping of personal objects during visits are available in the MNACTEC vestibule and operate with 50 cent coins.

Free Wi-Fi: the Museum offers a Wi-Fi connection to Internet free to all visitors. The password is found at different points of the Museum and the entrance.

Audioguide: you can download a free audio guide service from the exhibition “The textile factory” on your mobile through the Visitmuseum app.

Digital apps and tools: you can check the Museum’s digital apps and tools at The MNACTEC online.

Electric vehicle chargepoints: the MNACTEC has chargepoints for electric vehicles available free of charge to visitors. Charge cards are available at the desk in reception. It can be accessed by following the route p1 marked in this map, through Fra Bonaventura Gran street, since circulation on the Rambla d'Ègara is prohibited. 



Adapted toilets: visitors can find adapted toilets on the ground floor, beside reception, and in the exhibition hall.

Baby changing room: the adapted toilets on the ground floor, beside reception, have a baby changing facility.

Trains for children: there are 3 train-cars for children to use inside the museum. Free service depends on availability.

Elevator and ramps: MNACTEC has ramps and elevators to the different floors.
Wheelchairs available on loan.
Spaces for rest: you will find spaces for rest with seats in the different spaces of the Museum.

Magnetic loop: there is a free magnetic loop service available upon request at museum reception.

Sign language: a free translation service of the activities into sign language is available by prior reservation.



Cafeteria and restaurant: consult the offer and timetables at this link.
Jordi Nadal documentation centre: the MNACTEC has a library specialising in science and technology at the disposal of the public. For further information consult this link.

Punto de recogida de pilas Ecopilas: en la recepción del museo hay un punto de recogida de pilas utilizadas.